Our Values
We Care about children living in poverty
We believe that that poverty should NOT be a barrier that prevents a child from thriving. We do this by giving children what they need to be safe, warm and cared for. We believe that the causes of poverty are complex but helping a child is simple.
Responding to need
When others suffer, we have the responsibility to reach out and help.
We are part of a whole, we do not duplicate but we enhance the work of others.
We promote an effective program of collective action developing and building on partnerships – with our volunteers, donors and sponsors, case workers, community groups and individuals providing their support, expertise and assistance.
We are a community program contributing with others to build a community that cares and shares. We enable the community to help those less fortunate in a meaningful and fulfilling way.
We reach out at a person-to-person level, taking personal responsibility, not passing the onus to others, doing not talking.
Ensuring that donated items, time and expertise trusted to our care leverage maximum impact, acknowledging that we learn by experience.
Respect our recipients by providing only good quality items. Ensure that we have no barriers – recipients are identified by professional service workers, not by us.
Protecting our environment
Contribute to the protection of our environment by rehoming children’s clothing and supplies and reducing waste.